Monday, October 1, 2012

Exploring the Hood

Despite moving in to my apartment several months ago, I haven’t really had the time to explore what my neighbourhood had to offer and now I am on holiday I have the time to explore the area.

My not so new neighbourhood is commonly associated with car yards, funeral parlours and little weatherboard houses, not to mention being a culturally diverse area.

Apart from the cute but plain little houses (although, the area has gone through a long period of gentrification where some more up market places have gone up) that are everywhere, being an inner city suburb it is full of places to entertain and to hang out, even if they are cheap and cheerful.

Many of the places are along the main drag which is quite spread out but thanks to the many buses that go along this bit of highway, it doesn't take long to get around.

One of my favourite places is The Imp and this cool little cafe is always packed. What is so great is this place is the coffee and the very decadent deserts.  The rest of food is ok but the vibe makes up for it.

Another cafe that is worth visiting is Cafe Gelato. This place doubles up as a photo processing shop which sounds a little cheesy but with its cool décor it does have a funky and relaxed feeling about it. The coffee is average (maybe I am just getting picky in my old age) but the Italian Ice cream is amazing.

Being close to Curtin University who attracts lots of students in the Asian Region, there are lots of places to eat and grocery shops that reflect the diversity of cuisine in that region. Thai, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Nepalese - it is all there.

Of course being Australia, there is also a heavy Italian influence as well as many pubs.   Cafe Zucchero is another venue that is always packed on the weekend and has a great food menu but the coffee is ok. This cafe is totally worth a visit with friends on any fine weekend.

I am loving living here and look forward to exploring the many other places that are here.  

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