Friday, April 28, 2017

Toilet fails Public

We were in Adelaide for a Board Meeting and after we were done for the day we went out for dinner. Normally we have meetings over the phone so we were excited to congregate in person and because some of us use wheel chairs to get around we rang ahead to warn those at the Public.

We arrived at the Public to find our Table ready with one side of the table without chairs so those of our group with wheelchairs could sit at the table. So far so good but when they needed to go to the toilet, they found it used as a makeshift storeroom.

This was disappointing because it was such as good night.

The vibe was classy and sophisticated. The food was great and the staff displayed ultimate professionalism, expect in what they choose to put in the disabled toilet.  

I hope they fix this because the accessible toilet shouldn’t be used as a store room. Public is a fine place to enjoy a meal otherwise.

PUBLIC Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato 

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Why are there still so few women political leaders?

This is a topic of a book about women and politics by Ruth and Simon Henig. It is more a collection of essays that catalogue women’s participation in the political sphere in Europe since 1945.

It is an important area for those who value the contribution of women to all aspects of society and it is also important to understand what has gone on before.

If nothing else, ‘Women and Political Power in Europe since 1945’ is a look at the state of play of who gets to take part in the decision making in society. It may just look at Europe but it acts as a history lesson and example to benchmark our experience in Australia. It teases out the themes that can aid us in our discussion in how we can make the Australian political scene as well as it’s Civil Society more inclusive and representative.

After all women make up roughly half the population so why should our parliamentarians and political elite be already privileged white males? As Henig and Henig cite an American Study that argues that, ‘though 99.5% of the women in the world are legally entitled to participate in the political process, the numbers of women in public office remain in most countries appallingly low’. (2001, 2)

Political agendas as defined by men (ibid) and unequal divisions of domestic responsibilities both play a part in limiting the number of women in public life.  

While this book briefly touches on these barriers, what I found especially interesting is the explanation of the parallels between the second wave of feminism, the Green Movement (including the Anti-nuclear protests) and the rise of women participating in mainstream politics.

What I found useful was the discussion about the effect of women’s organisations on the level of female participation in politics. More common in 1970s and 1980s, women’s groups as part of mainstream political parties grew in an attempt to increase female participation and to appeal to women voters.

The question was asked, is it more effective to outside the tent or within it? Henig and Henig seem to argue that women’s voting habits transcend gender and individual’s decision to caste their ballot is based on other variables, making special women’s parties and lists ineffective.  

An alternative to these special parties that was discussed were the women’s factions within mainstream political parties. There was some debate in regards to the effective of this strategy and whether having a female only section really increased participation in the wider organisation. Henig and Henig state that ‘not all authors have viewed party women’s organisations in such a positive light. Specifically, such groups have been criticised for women away from mainstream party structures, thereby exacerbating the isolation of women, and for concentrating on social activities rather than political (2000, page 45). 

It seemed that the key was to empower women to contribute in the mainstream parts as equals with men rather than relegating them to a separate section. Of course there are issues that prevent them from doing this but the effort should be spent reducing these barriers.

This book did make me think about the ways that institutions can be more inclusive of women as well as other minority groups. It makes me look more closely at strategies that try to increase participation and be more critical about tokenistic programmes and empty rhetoric. It is one thing try and increase participation in politics, etc. but it is pointless unless individuals have the agency to actually make a difference.

The discussions around how to do this is complex and is worthy for a much longer book but Ruth Henig and Simon Henig’s Women and Political Power was an interesting read despite it written over a decade ago. I’m much more appreciative about what feminists have done before and its inspired me to continue to be part of the movement.  I’ve learnt the importance of being inside the metaphorical tent rather than loitering in the foyer or outside in the shadows because more can be done this way. 

Henig, R. and Henig, S. Women and Political Power: Europe since 1945 (Routledge, London: 2001)

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Rise, grind and repeat!

I guess it is my fault for being a little hyperactive and passionate about a lot of things but being disabled and a feminist made me aware of disadvantage and inequality.    

Instead of sitting at home feeling sorry for myself and blaming everything from the patriarchy, my disability to having had to move to Perth aged fifteen for all my woes, I have had this strong urge to get out there and do something.

Ever since I had some amazing opportunities a while ago, I have been able to contribute to my community and ensure that people with disabilities can live as part of our community and not in a separate enclave. 

This has inspired me to do Social Impact @ UWA. While a scholarship did lessen the financial guilt about going back to school, taking on another commitment did keep me up at night.

How on earth was I going to fit part-time study on top of sitting on two board of directors, a full-time job and an active social/travel life?  

Luckily, my uni course is delivered in block mode so while it is super busy for 6 or 7 weeks, there is some reprieve in between units.   

As it turns out, running life as a military operation, planning ahead and getting up at 5 am to get stuff done is the only way to fit it all in. The days are often long; they often start at 0500 and are non-stop until 2200+.  It is difficult to keep on top of everything while dealing with everyday challenges such as a blocked sink, broken wardrobe and bathroom renovations. 

The joys of a blocked sink
A wordrobe malfunction 

Luckily my classes fit in to my ‘weekend’ which means no days off to relax and do chores.  But shift work allows me to to prepare for board meetings and complete assignments before work.  Still, it is all worth it!

What could I do different? I could reduce my hours at work but being financially independent and a homeowner with a mild travel obsession means I need all the money I can get. I just have to keep on juggling.

My hot tips are:
  • Run a diary;
  • Prioritise, sometimes its ok that the stuff like the ironing doesn’t get done for awhile;
  • Take shortcuts. Coles Online is a lifesaver for home delivery for groceries and so is Uber Eats for when you can’t be bothered to cook;
  • Enjoy the ride, you love it really.

Ironing becomes less of a priority

Look, life is great. The days are long and my coffee consumption might be a bit high but life is superb.  Besides, society isn’t going to be more inclusive if individuals don’t get involved.

Plus, a life well lived doesn’t come cheap nor do the good things come on a plate. There is something deeply satisfying about achieving something through your own blood, sweat and tears.

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