Tucked away between the office towers of Perth is a Vietnamese eatery that makes the best pho this side of Northbridge.
It is unassuming but makes a wonderful bowl of Pho that cures the lunchtime slump. The good thing about the Urban Bowl is that their Pho also comes in a cup if you’re not up to having a full bowl.
Their Spring Rolls are beautiful and are big enough to be a lunch in itself.
The only down to the Urban Bowl is that it shuts at 3 pm which is so Perth.
It always comes back to this question, why is it that Perth shuts down so early. Why is it that, apparently, you stop needing a bowl of Pho or a coffee after 3 or 4 pm?
The answer probably comes down to the lack of people hanging out in the city in the late afternoon and evening but really that is so boring!
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